Friday, 10 December 2021

Waitaki Myth

This is my work about the Waitaki Myths. I made

 this with my two friends Jessy and Hayley.

Pounamu Designs

This is my work about Pounamu Designs that me and 
the Poutama Reo class have been learning about.

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Arts Interchange - 2021

Visual Pepeha

In term 1 my class and I made these visual Pepeha. We
made these so they looked more exciting and colourful. Then 
we had to write a mini Pepeha to go at the bottom. 


Monday, 6 December 2021

Libbie Camp 2021


This link will take you to my Arthur's 
Pass camp slide where I done all my

Aoraki Purakau


A couple of weeks ago my class and I were researching 
about Aoraki and how it was created in the Maori myths, after 
we researched it we got to do some art and make mountains.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Hypothermia - Heat Exhaustion

 This week and last week my class and I have been learning about Hypothermia and Heat Exhaustion. We have been learning about this because we are going on a class camp to Arthurs Pass and we want to keep safe. I have done a writing for each one and they will be below. 

Link 1 - Hypothermia 

Link 2 - Heat Exhaustion

Coffee price: The cost of a regular cappuccino around the world      Snow forecast 2017: what is snow and how do weather forecasters know it's  coming? | WIRED UK

Wednesday, 29 September 2021


 This term our school has been doing work around Olympics and Paralympics, so we made a slide and put in all our work that we had done. My slide will be down below and then you can see all my work that I have done.


This week for literacy we read a story about penguins, and whats the difference between each one. For our task this week we had to write a report about one. We had to choose out of the Snares Crested Penguin, Southern Rock hopper-Penguin, King Penguin, Emperor Penguin, and the Gentoo Penguin. Me and my friend done one together on the Emperor Penguin.

Emperor Penguin


Emperor Penguins are only found in Antarctica. They live in Antarctica because they are used to the cold temperature. These Penguins breed and raise their young mostly on fast ice.


Emperor Penguins are highly social, they all feed and live in large groups. Although they remain with one mate during the breeding season. They normally always pair with the same mate during the next breeding season.


Emperor Penguins typically live up to 15 - 20 years in the wild. Some of the Emperor penguins have been recorded living up to the maximum lifespan of 40 years. They go from eggs and when they crack they grow from over the years.


Emperor Penguins feed on Silverfish as well as other species of fish krill they also eat Squid. They eat 2-3 kg per day, on good days they eat twice this much to build up their  body fat for the long winter or for feeding their Baby’s.


The greatest threat to Emperor Penguins is climate change, climate change is due to changes in the sea ice they depend on, they depend on it because the food that they eat is in the water.They also have other Threats they are Sea Lions and orcas. If they get too close to them they can get killed.

By Libbie & Hayley

Almost all emperor penguins will die if no changes made to greenhouse gas  emissions, study warns - ABC NewsEmperor penguins heading for extinction unless emissions are cut,  US-Cambridge study finds | News | The TimesA Satellite Spots 11 New Emperor Penguin Colonies | WIRED

Friday, 24 September 2021


This week in Rūma Rima our Poutema Reo class are going to be weaving flax, but before we are going to do that we all made a google drawing, mine craft creation, or a animation on a slide but it had to with something on Harakeke. I made Google drawing with information on how to cut flax and what to do the extra.

This is my finish results! :)

Friday, 10 September 2021

Literacy Work 🐝

 This week be and my reading group read a story called A Sweet Business, this story is about a class from Te Aro School making a business on selling honey. I have made 1 activity with my friend Jessica. Its down below. :)

Bee Writing 🐝

What are bees?

Bees are perfect insects who help the environment, they help the environment by pollinating

our food crops and gardens. They also make honey. Bees are yellow and black striped, they

kinda look like wasps with their wings. They are different because wasps sting more than once. 

What do bees do?

Bees make excellent pollinators because they spend their life on pollen to pollen, the source

of the protein is that they feed on their developing offspring.

How do bees attract the pollen?

When a bee lands on a flower, the hairs all over the bee's body attract the pollen grains

through the electrostatic forces. Bees can smell pollen with their antennae.

How do bees play apart as pollinators?

As pollinators bees play a part in every aspect of the ecosystem. They support the

growth of trees, flowers, and other plants, which serve as food and shelter for creatures large

and small.Flowers rely on bees to cross pollinate their female plants. 

 What is pollination?

When bees feed on the pollen, their body picks up excess via their pollen collecting hairs, which

is then released when they land. Pollen acts as the flower’s seed, which is mandatory for

the survival of the flower species. Pollination is so important because it leads to the production

of the fruits that we eat, and seeds that will create more plants.

By Libbie & Jessica 🐝


Thursday, 19 August 2021

Athlete Research

 This term my class and I have been making slides about 4 athletes from all over the world and put down some facts about them and find a picture of them. We also write down their history and who they could be a hero to. This is my slide down below.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Harakeke - Libbie

Last week my reading group read a story called Harakeke, this story was about a girl and her mum weaving flax. I found this story really cool and interesting. I done two activities. 1 activity was when we got to choose something we could weave and then write instructions on how to make it, for the other 1 we had to choose 6 things we could weave and write the uses for them.

 How to weave a Fish/Matira

We are learning how to weave harakeke fish for 

decorations or to give to a friend or a family member.

To make a harakeke fish all you will need is a pair 

of scissors and two pieces of flax. Make sure you have 

a bright piece and a dark piece.

Step 1: You will need to wrap a length of flax around your

 fingers twice. Which is the dark piece.

Step 2: Thread another piece of flax under the second

 loop and over the first. Which is the bright piece.

Step 3: wrap the second piece of flax right around behind the 

first loop and then under the second one at the back.

Step 4: Then again bring the second right around over the front 

then thread it under the first loop. Make sure to pull it tight.

Step 5: Then take the right hand end of the light green flax 

and bend it around to the beach.

Step 6: Pass it over the first dark flax loop and under the 


Step 7: Then pull all the ends in tight to make them

 nice and square. And then you cut the fins so they aren't 

so long. And now you are done.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Subantarctic Islands

Term 3, week 2 my reading group read a story about the Subantartic Islands. This story talks about how New Zealand has more islands then just the South and the North. But these islands no humans can live on them only animals and plants. You also have to have a special pass to visit. I done 1 activity for this.

Longest Walk

In week 1 of term 3 my reading group read a story called the Longest Walk. The longest walk was about a family who walk the whole of New Zealand. They started from up the North Island and walked down to the bottom of New Zealand which is the South Island. My two activities will be down below.

Tongariro Track 

Where The Track Is

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is located in the

Tongariro national park - New Zealand’s oldest national park.

What Views You Will See

You will be able to see a volcano, heaps of snow

(so make sure you are wearing warm clothes) and some

really pretty views.


When It Is Ok To Be Walked

Summer is the most popular time to enjoy the hike.

The summer hiking season is from November

through to the end of April.

Who Is It Suitable For

This track would probably only be suitable

for people that are usually hikers. And for those who are fit.

But I do agree that anyone can walk it.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui - Literacy

Week 10 for literacy we read a story about the "Matariki stars" this story is about kids being able to stay at their school and they had a hangi. The kids also made kites and got to look through a telescope to see the 7 sisters. I done two activities,  for the News Report one I had to pretend I was one of the children and say what I done.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

What Is Matariki?

 This month and last month my class and I have been looking around Matariki. We have been on a sight being able to choose an activity. On my first activity I worked with a friend and on my second activity I worked by myself. These are my two activities.

Geometry DLO

 This week my class and I are doing a DLO on Geometry. Our DLO is to explain what we have been doing in our dragon maths.


Friday, 2 July 2021

Literacy - Week 9

This week for literacy we read a story about the "Great Barrier Reef" This Story was very interesting it showed heaps of the different types of corals. My group done two activities, we made a fake tourist poster and we chose a type of coral and done some facts

Wednesday, 30 June 2021


 This week me and my class had to choose a sea animal, we had to make a slide and talk about the habitat and why they are suited to the ocean and not streams or lakes. I done a dolphin.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

No Girls Allowed - Literacy

This week me and my reading group read a story called (No Girls Allowed) This story was about a girl who wanted to go into a rugby tournament but the organises said that it to be boys only. For this literacy I have done to pieces of work and they will be down bellow.

This is my letter to send the organises if I was Riley or one of the girls that wanted to be in the rugby tournament.

Dear Organisers 

Hi my name is Riley, I understand your reasons that girls are not allowed to play in the rugby tournament. I find this very unfair so I have some reason why girls should be allowed to.

First Reason, when girls play rugby they can understand how powerful they are in their own unique body. 

Second Reason, Rugby tournaments are also good for girls because when they get taken down by boys they will know how to get back up again.

Third Reason, Girls could also be way better at rugby than boys and it's unfair when girls don't get a chance to play in a tournament.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter!

By Riley

Friday, 18 June 2021

Just Like Everyone Else - Literacy

Last week me and my reading group read a story that was called (Just like everyone else) This story was about a girl that was deaf and how she can contact people. The activities for this story was to make a sign language video of our self saying our name and then a book review of our favourite book.


Thursday, 17 June 2021

Literacy Work About Kūaka's

 This week me and my reading group have been reading a story about kūaka's and their life time and what they eat and where they breed. These are my two google drawings on what I have done.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Kiwi Saver - Term Deposit

This week and last week my class got put into groups to make a DLO about Banqer, I was in a group with Emma and Casey we had to do a DLO about Term-deposit.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Literacy - Earthquakes

 This week me and my reading group have been reading a story about earthquakes in Christchurch and how they erupt. I also really want to know how they erupt tsunamis. These are my two google drawings on what I have been doing. 

Monday, 31 May 2021

Measurement DLO

 This week me and my class have been doing a DLO of what we have been learning last term and this term.

Thursday, 13 May 2021


For My Literacy work me and my group had to read a book and then we had to make a doc and write it down as we were making a stament.

I think trees are important because they give us oxygen, and if we didn't have oxygen we wouldn't be here right now. 

Trees can be used to make shelter and fences. We can also use trees for firewood. But trees don't always have to be for making things like they are homes for wildlife and for a shelter if you need it.

Tree planting is an amazing way to help the environment. To plant trees you will more than likely have to buy them from a gardening store.  

Then you will need to find an empty space in a backyard or something  and plant about 2 or 3 seeds at a time and then make sure to look after the seeds and then wait for the seeds to grow into trees.

The problem is, for trees to grow it takes about 100 years, so when you cut down a tree and plant one it will take ages to grow and won't be ready for when you think it will be.

Thank you for taking your time to read this,

by Libbie

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

ANZAC 2021

 ANZAC Activities

For this week and last week my class has been doing ANZAC literacy and for that we went into our reading groups. For every reading group we had to read a book then do that activity. The two activities me and my group done was a Nurse Advert for that we went into a google drawing and then we would make a text and write a add thing to see what you would be if you were a nurse in the war. For our second activity we done a Food Parcel and for that we made a google drawing and put in some helpful things and some sweets that you would send to family that went to war. And then I done a piece of art for my art i done a sunset and then in black I done some crosses and I tried to do some poppies. 

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Water Safety - Kayaking

Today we had to choose a water sport to look up and write about me and my group chose kayaking we found it fun so we made a slide.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Friday, 19 February 2021

Swim Safety

This week and last week the year 7 & 8 had to learn about water safety around lakes, rivers, pool, and beaches. My teacher got us to do a task on making a google drawing and writing the hazards and how to be safe. Go down below to see my work.

Te Tiriti O Waitangi

 Me and my class had to read a journal about The Treaty of Waitangi and there story about how it went with the British stealing the Maori land. We Had to do to work sheets about it one was on paper and one was on my chrome book. The one that I done on my Chrome Book is down below.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

All About Me

This week we had to do this work called all about me. 

For the 1st activity we found pictures of money and cars, for this activity we also had to take a photo of ourself and insert it in the google drawing me and Pippa tried to make it look old and rusty.

 For the second activity I went on a website called word cloud and I had to write things that I do and things that I like including family. 

for the last activity i had to insert pictures of what i like to do and what describes me.

Waitangi Day 2021

This year I have learnt things about the Treaty of Waitangi. I have learnt that the Treaty of Waitangi was singed in the bay of islands February the 6th 1840. 

The Treaty of Waitangi was singed because the British and the Maori were fighting over the land. 

There were two different version of the Te Tiriti Waitangi one was singed in English and one was singed in Maori